Robert Selfors
Artist, Graphic designer, communicator, filmmaker, photographer, entrepreneur and brand developer.
These are "labels" that can be said about Selfors.
He has several years of education in visual communi-cation and aesthetic disciplines in the Oslo region
In three decades Selfors has worked as a designer for several major companies located in the capitol of Norway. He has received awards for his work in: design, entrepreneurship and photography.
Years of experiences from the creative sphere are now transferred into drawings, paintings and photographies. In his quest to operate at the cross-road between figuration, abstraction, depth and "spaciousness" and, Selfors has managed to create his own "landscape".
After many years in the South he finally turned back North, using his creative background to explore his childhoods backyard - the Arctic.
(b. 1963)

· Photographer of the Year " Photography" Magazine
· Gold winner of "Utsnitt-award" (professional
photographers' annual photo competition)
· Winner of "Pangstart" Entrepreneurship-Award
arranged by Innovation Norway
· Winner of several Design awards "Visuelt"
Separate exhibitions / 1993 - 2024
· Oslo City Hall
· Mo I Rana City Hall
· Fauske City Hall / Art association
· Beiarn Exhib. 08.2024
· IBM Headquarter / Art department
· Hellvikhangen Art Café
Life is a gift, and Mother Earth gives without demanding anything in return.
Ever since I was a little boy, I have felt a strong connection to Nature and how it affects our "inner" and presence. Living in the Arctic nature means a close connection to Nature and a feeling of being part of its many facets.
The Arctic is rough, rugged, hospitable and inhospitable - all at once! 4 seasons mean great contrasts between light - dark, heat - cold, weather and moods.
Nature's diversity leads to many reflections and emotions in our lives. We are part of something bigger… much bigger…. We are energy - Everything is energy.
Our connection to the Cosmos/Universe, and the feeling that everything is connected, forms the starting point for life's really big questions.

Over thousands of years, landscapes have been shaped by ice ages and harsh arctic climates. This is a landscape of contrasts where the weather changes as quickly as you can turn around. Rough, rough, hospitable and inhospitable - all at once.

In addition to being life-giving for all life on our blue planet, we allow ourselves to be fascinated by water in all its forms. In solid form, it expresses itself differently in both sound and form.

This is what triggers me in the communication and what makes the journeys out into unknown landscapes a high quality of life.

We have many of the best experiences not on film but stored in our hearts.

Time for reflection - both a physical and a mental journey .. where the physical and mental travel go hand in hand...

The summer nights are long and bright in the North and the evening light can make it impossible to go to bed...